Vestry Liaison: Linda Seamster
What is formation?
In the Episcopal Church, we are called to live out our faith on a daily basis, whether we are at home, school, work or recreation. We are always forming who we become as people of faith and we are continually forming people of every age and who they are becoming as people of faith. Formation speaks to lifelong growth in the knowledge, service, and love of God as followers of Christ… informed by Scripture, tradition, and reason.
At St. Matthias we use prayer, Bible stories, conversation, books, gaining knowledge from teachers, experiences, encounters with others, reading, watching, listening, and music to help shape who we are and who we are becoming. Programs include Sunday school, Youth Ministry, Children’s Chapel, Summer J.A.M., Vacation Bible School, special seasonal events, and a Nursery.
Sunday School
- For children 3 years old through grade
- Sunday School starts at 10:15 am, children will join their adults at the peace for the remainder of the communion service
Pre-K – 1st grade class (Room 104)
- use Whirl curriculum – which relates to kids with entertaining and theology-targeted Bible stories, helping kids learn to seek faith and understanding through the Bible’s message.
2nd grade – 5th grade class (Room 102)
- use SPARK curriculum - explores key Bible stories; very lesson has four parts: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send
- each kid has their own Spark Bibles in class
- Click here to see this semester’s SS schedule
Youth Formation
- For youth in 6th through 12th grade
- Youth Formation starts at 10:15 am, youth will join their adults at the peace for the remainder of the communion service
Use GROW curriculum
- uses prayer, scripture, discussion, videos, and games - all geared to youth
Youth Gatherings
- For youth in 6th through 12th grade
- Bimonthly events, in conjunction with the youth from St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
- Events include:
- Community service projects
- Fun activities (i.e. Sky Zone, going to a movie, Go Karts, etc.)
- Meeting with other churches in our Convocation
- Diocesan retreats
- Participation in worship services
- Mission trips
- Fundraising projects
- Seasonal parties
- + more!
Special Events for Children & Youth
- Lent resources
- Spring Break Shenanigans – 3 days during spring break
- Spring Fair w/Egg Hunt
- Passion Reading at Palm Sunday service
- Easter resources for Easter service
- Faith Night @The Flying Squirrels
- Fledgling Sunday
- Blessing of Backpacks & Devices special service
- Bon Air/Chesterfield Co. CROP Hunger Walk
- Fall Fun Days – 2 days during school closure
- Advent resources
- Advent Festivities
- Lessons & Carols activities for children & youth
- Video Christmas Pageant
- Movies on the Lawn
- Game Night
- Vacation Bible School
The nursery is available during both Services.
The Nursery is available for infants & toddlers up through 5-years-old, during both services. It is located in the Education wing - Room 111 - last door on the right. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and nurturing place for children while parents attend Sunday worship or formation classes.
Please know that children are always welcome to attend our services. PRAY & PLAY bags are hanging on chairs in the back row of the church.
Children’s Chapel (Pre-K—5th grade)
The Children's Chapel is held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, during a portion of the 10:30 am service. It follows the Sunday gospels, introducing young children to God’s word and encourages them to learn about Jesus in a way the is both suited to their age and sensitive to their level of understanding.
Interested children and their leader are invited to come to the front of the church to receive a blessing then travel to the chapel in the Education Wing. They return during the Peace.
SUMMER J.A.M. (Jesus and me)
- This is our summer offering for children (up through rising sixth graders) during church services.
- Children can gather in Room 111 (Nursery) for movies/cartoons centered around God.
- Snacks are provided.
Please know that children are always welcome to attend all of our services. We offer children’s worship bulletins for both emerging readers and readers. Also, PRAY & PLAY bags, which contain quiet activities, are hanging on chairs in the back row of the church.
All our staff and volunteers who work with children and youth are fully trained in the Safe Church program, given a background check, as well as fully vaccinated for COVID.