Worship is the foundation of our nourishment in the faith, hope and love given us by Christ, the core of our fellowship with and ministry to one another as we pray with and for each other, and the starting point of our going forth in the name and spirit of Christ to love and serve our neighbor and Christ in our neighborhood. The commission seeks to involve the congregation in valuing and participating in meaningful worship.
The life and worship of St. Matthias includes:
Greeters This is a group of parishioners who welcome those entering and leaving the nave. Visitors are invited to sign a visitor's card and are presented with a loaf of bread and information about our church upon leaving.
Ushers This is a dedicated group who extend the love of Christ by welcoming parishioners and assisting in distributing bulletins, collecting the offering, assisting with communion by letting parishioners go up in an orderly manner and ensuring with the Rector that communion is handled in a safe, calm, and reflective way. Following the service, the ushers spend a few minutes straightening the pews, returning hymnals, and putting the extra bulletins in the recycling.
Flower Guild This is a of dedicated group of volunteers who are responsible for the arrangement and placement of flowers for regular worship and special services within the church. Flowers may be given in memory of loved ones, in celebration of an anniversary or a birth, or for any occasion in which gratitude is offered to God.
Altar Guild is a group of volunteers whose ministry is to prepare the altar for services. These services include caring for vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. A team of two prepares the sanctuary each Sunday for Eucharist and for any services during the week Each team serves for a week running Monday through Sunday. Their responsibilities consist of cleaning and polishing communion pieces, laundering the linens, refilling the liquid wax candles, and clean-up of the altar following the service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Youth Eucharistic Ministers These individuals are licensed through the Diocese of Southern Virginia. They assist in administering the consecrated bread and wine, assist the clergy in reading lessons from Holy Scripture, lead the Prayers of the People and the recitation of the Psalms.