Donate to our Annual Giving Campaign.
Stewardship Commission
God has given us a profound responsibility for, all creation. Stewardship refers to our responsibility to care for all that God has given us.
Parish life at St. Matthias encompasses ministries that serve our community, the Church, and our parishioners. We support: Christian formation; care for the hungry; local schools; Christmas gifts for families in need; as well as other ministries both locally and globally. These are living examples of using the gifts God has placed in our care.
Our Annual Giving Campaign provides the resources to support our ministries both in, and outside, St. Matthias as we respond to the deep spiritual need God has placed in us to return a portion of all we have been given. Our stewardship is what we do with those gifts to care for our world.
Our season of giving is a celebration of you! As a faithful steward of Saint Matthias Episcopal Church, you have answered the call to serve with a generosity of heart, time, talent, and treasure. We are a vibrant and thriving congregation because of you and the gifts you share with our community. Whether you are singing a favorite hymn during worship, saying a warm hello in the narthex, having a lively conversation in the hallway, or sharing refreshments after Sunday morning service, you are part of the fabric that makes our parish that it is today.
An Estimate of Giving Card can be received and returned directly from and to the church. All information is kept confidential. Any needed adjustments can be made directly with the Parish Administrator. (804.464.1842 ext. 100)
You can make a pledge to Saint Matthias Episcopal Church Annual Giving Campaign by:
1. Completing the Estimate of Giving Card you received in the mail. You can return the form by using the envelope that was enclosed, or by placing it in the plate on Sunday mornings. If you did not receive a card, please contact the office and we will be happy to provide either hard copy or electronic options.
2. Logging into Your Realm Account. If you have a Realm account, you can login in using the Realm Web Portal or the Realm App and make your pledge. To login into Realm CLICK HERE. If you would like to set up a Realm account, please contact the Parish Administrator.
Planned Giving
Please Be in Touch
To notify us that you have made provision for Saint Matthias Episcopal Church in your will or estate plan, please contact the Parish office. We are happy to discuss various ways and means for arranging a planned gift to Saint Matthias Episcopal Church. Final decisions about planned gifts should be made in consultation with your attorney and financial advisor.
Gifts of Stock
As an additional method to support the church, many enjoy making gifts of securities or stock in support of St. Matthias’ ministries. If you plan to make a stock gift, please contact the parish administrator prior to arranging a stock gift.
For questions related to any of these details, or to designate your gift to a particular area of the church, please contact our Parish Administrator at 804.464.1842 ext. 101 or email markjenkins@stmatmidlo.com