Rector - Vacant
Director of Music - John Murdock - Ext. 103
John A. Murdock is the Director of Music and Organist. He came to St. Matthias in September 2005 from Newport News, VA, where he had been organist and associate choir director at Grace United Methodist Church from 1994 - 2005. John oversees the music ministry for both the 8:30 and 10:30 worship services, and special services throughout the year. Mr. Murdock also serves as the Artistic Director for the St. Matthias’ Cultural Series. John grew up in Colonial Heights, VA, where he learned to play piano, sang in church choirs, and played clarinet in band. Mr. Murdock received his Bachelor of Music degree from Christopher Newport University (Newport News, VA), where he studied piano performance, voice, and organ. He also had the opportunity to travel and perform in Scotland, Denmark, and Germany. Upon graduation, John continued to be involved with CNU by playing piano for recitals, opera workshops (Gianni Schicci and Mikado), and musicals (Cabaret and Where’s Charley?). John was also involved in the community theatre playing and/or music directing several shows (Jesus Christ, Superstar, Peter Pan, ANNIE, The Mystery of Edwin Drood), and his favorite show, Little Shop of Horrors. In addition to his work here at St. Matthias, John plays piano for the School of Richmond Ballet and its Minds in Motion program. John continues his studies in organ with Grant Hellmers, and piano with Michele Bynum, and he is currently pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Church Music from Shenandoah Conservatory.
Office Hours: Sunday – Thursday
Parish Administrator - Br. Mark Jenkins - Ext. 100
Mark is a native of Virginia. After spending 20 years away from Virginia he returned home in 2011. Mark is a life vowed member of the Community of Francis and Clare, a dispersed Franciscan order made up of Brothers and Sisters with members in the US., Canada, Mexico & Great Britain. When not overseeing the day-to-day operations of St. Matthias’ Parish, he serves in various roles at his Parish, St. John’s Warsaw VA. He also leads alcohol/drug recovery groups for those who are transitioning out of intensive outpatient programs. Mark has served in various ministry roles over the years in parishes in Southern CA, Tucson AZ, New Jersey and South Florida and has made mission trips to Honduras. Mark has served as Parish Administrator for St. Matthias’ for over 10 years.
Communications and Media Specialist - Travis Somerville - Ext 111
Graduating film school with honors in 2010, Travis has worked in film, television, commercials, business to business video, and corporate media.