Our Mission is Come and be nourished in Jesus Christ and go into the world to live and share God's Gospel. Our Vision is to become a center for outreach and Christian education for all.
Adult Christian Formation Committee The commission is responsible for providing opportunities and encouragement for adults to grow spiritually.
Buildings & Grounds oversees our stewardship and care of our facilities and property. They work closely with the Rector and Vestry in both short-term and long-term planning and development to ensure the continuity of the parish for the next generations who will call themselves members of St Matthias.
Children & Youth Formation The commission works for Christian formation, growth and fellowship of parish children and youth and their participation in parish life and ministry.
Communications Commission Seeks at-large members of the church to become involved in this important ministry. This will specifically include: e-news; web site; emergency notifications; Annual Reports; Vlogs; Zoom & Live-streaming services; phone outreach; preparing announcements for PowerPoint in Commons; Social Media postings and You Tube; and others as the need arises.
Community Ministries promotes the full range of all our ministries to the community including: The Micah Initiative; KAIROS; the Food Pantry; Shelter Feeding; a renewed connection with Caritas; and the various programs we support financially.
Finance & Stewardship work together to ensure sound and faithful care of all of the resources that God has entrusted to us through our members.
Parish Life looks for key points of intersecting ministries and works to support and develop their integration.
Pastoral Care Commission, comprises all of our pastoral ministries and is supported by a Vestry Liaison. These include: the Pastoral Care Committee; Pastoral Care visitation teams; Stephen Ministers; Lay Eucharistic Visitors; Assisted Living Center ministers; Healing Prayer ministers; the Health Team.
The Worship Commission, Includes: Music; Lay Eucharistic Ministers; Ushers; Acolytes; Flower Guild; Altar Guild; and Greeters.
All of our Ministries and Commissions are supported by Vestry Liaisons. For more specific information about these ministries and how you can become involved, please see their specific listings and descriptions under our "Church Life" tab.